CAD e300^2 Broken Microphone Capsule


New member
Hey everyone,

I purchased my first condenser mic off of ebay a few weeks ago, a CAD e300^2. I received the mic today, and it appears that the capsule physically came off at some point during transit, and it is now rattling within the cage itself.

The item was sold as new, and I will hopefully be able to get an exchange/refund on it. However...before I send it off, is this a common problem? Is it an easy fix? (Somehow I doubt this.)


- Peter
Is the diaphragm damaged in any way? I've had mics sent to me with the capsule rattling around and luckily they weren't damaged and I was able to put the screws back in. It's tricky and you'll need the right tools.
Is the diaphragm damaged in any way? I've had mics sent to me with the capsule rattling around and luckily they weren't damaged and I was able to put the screws back in. It's tricky and you'll need the right tools.

I opened it up, and took a few pictures. There appear to be a few small scrape marks on the capsule, and on one side a very small dent. As well, I'm not too sure how exactly the capsule snaps on to the capsule holder here, nor am I sure which wires go to which of the three solder points.

[EDIT: apparently I need to make a few more posts before I can put up these pictures]

Picture #1: Here is one side of the capsule. Notice the light scrape marks.

Picture #2: Here is the other side. Notice the small dent at the top.

Picture #3: Here is the end of the capsule that snaps on to the larger piece of black plastic. Notice the damage to the connector. In fact, I am fairly unsure as to how exactly this is supposed to attach to the other piece. Is it just supposed to snap in?

Picture #4: Here is the plastic part which the capsule attaches to. I have no idea which wire goes to which connector.

So, my question: Is it too badly damaged to be worth bothering with (assuming I am able to return it)?


- Peter
Picture #2: Here is the other side. Notice the small dent at the top.

Something punctured the diaphragm, forcing the mylar down into the backplate. That side is hosed, IMHO, and it will never really be usable except maybe as a cardioid mic if you disable the bad side. It may not even produce any sound off that side, as the gold-plated mylar is probably shorting to the backplate....

I'd go back on the shipper. If they won't pay to replace the mic, you'll have to replace the capsule. I wouldn't even plug it in with it in that condition....

Picture #4: Here is the plastic part which the capsule attaches to. I have no idea which wire goes to which connector.

Looks like the mount sheared off. You'll have to replace that, too. I'd say that thing got dropped thirty or forty feet.
Well, looks like it will have to go back then. Thanks for the help!

One more question: As I was putting the mic back together, I was trying to see how the top portion fitted back into the bottom portion, and I placed the microphone capsule holder directly on to the lower portion, without reinstalling a number of screws with metal tabs which I guess previously kept the two apart.

The two pieces (capsule holder and botttom half of mic) are now stuck together...does anybody know how I can pull them apart?


- Peter
Well, looks like it will have to go back then. Thanks for the help!

One more question: As I was putting the mic back together, I was trying to see how the top portion fitted back into the bottom portion, and I placed the microphone capsule holder directly on to the lower portion, without reinstalling a number of screws with metal tabs which I guess previously kept the two apart.

The two pieces (capsule holder and botttom half of mic) are now stuck together...does anybody know how I can pull them apart?


- Peter
I'd say if you can't pull them apart by grabbing each side and slowly pulling and slightly rocking or twisting, then leave it alone. You may have already done enough to it to void any implied warranty, either from the supplier or shipper. If you ding it up more or break something else, you'll really be SOL.
Managed to get the mic back together no problem this morning. Not really sure what happened last night. Anyway, I have contacted both the ebay seller and CAD about this issue (so far I have only heard back from CAD) hopefully I will be able to get this mic repaired or replaced soon.

Thanks for the help,

- Peter