Bye Bye Hillary 2024

I think it's kind of odd watching grown men cry, myself.
No one is crying. Most people here would simply appreciate it if you would go away. Even IBB had sense enough to know that his incessant demonizing those who didn't agree with him was a fruitless endeavor, and he left.

You'll get there, eventually.
No one is crying. Most people here would simply appreciate it if you would go away. Even IBB had sense enough to know that his incessant demonizing those who didn't agree with him was a fruitless endeavor, and he left.

You'll get there, eventually.

Trump-Russia-collusion was a hoax, and it isn't going away.
His campaign was spied on, the White House security was breached by a spy operation, and goverment agencies were either complicit, incompetent, or both.
It's in the Durham indictments, and you've been around long enough to know what the country went through with Watergate.
John Dean, Erlichman etc. stood in the way, but the house of cards finally came down.
You'll get there, eventually.
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you've been around long enough to know what the country went through with Watergate.
I do remember that my father and I would argue about Nixon and Watergate. My father believed that that Nixon could do wrong and would be remembered as the greatest of all Presidents because Nixon opened the door to China. I argued otherwise with my father. It's a shame he didn't live long enough to see how wrong he was.

Arguing back and forth about who is right and who is wrong accomplishes nothing, and those back and forth arguments are precisely why Prime Time needs an enema or another solution.
Can you admit that Hillary lied about Trump-Russian collusion?
Trump told the truth about Trump-Russia collusion, and you call him a liar.
I don't think you'd know the truth if it poked you in the eye.
Nobody cares but you.
And yes... Trump is a liar. Always was and always is.
You guys gonna be alright?

You know what's worse than anything you've read here? The fact that you wasted your fucking life reading it, responding, and expressing a worthless desire over which you have absolutely no control. Nor should you. You're gonna leave, die, sooner, or later. And this is the shit with which you concern yourself?
It's a shame he didn't live long enough to see how wrong he was.
I wish to thank your father for voting me out of the Viet Nam war.
My draft number was really low that year when Nixon got us out of that mess.
It's good to know you will sign up your grandchildren to Biden's conflict with Russia.
I wanna thank all of ya.
If this case gets tossed out I will laugh so hard. Added to the pile of those who tossed out “electoral fraud” in last election.
If this case gets tossed out I will laugh so hard. Added to the pile of those who tossed out “electoral fraud” in last election.
Huh, The case already started, and Mr. Sussman pleaded not guilty.
Regardless of his guilt or innocence, it looks like Mrs. Clinton's political career is over -- when you look at the overall big picture.
So... do you think Mr. Durham got it wrong?
Why are you so surprised?
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Does anybody wanna talk about Adam Schiff's evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion and Hillary's part in creating it?
Well.... the trial ain't going away, and there's a lot to talk about at the trial....
Get used to it.

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Somebody should tell Hillary that her political career is over.
James Comey could have spared us from this.
It's on him.
So you only like it when the justice system works the way YOU want it. Got it.

That means if nothing comes of this case, you won’t accept it or shut up about it or anything. Cool.