Buzzing distortion in audio tracks


New member
Ok thanks for the "Latency Question" AGAIN! reply worked great! N-O-W-!! After recording 3 audio tracks in Home Studio 2002 perfect harmony I might add hmmhmm..I have a moving around in different places distortion funk of a TERRIBLE kind. Sounds like ...well...a distorted clipping sound but it aint happen from the operators end of the function..from the input side of the Edirol UA-5 or to the HS2002 meters. Is this P o s s i b l y caused by the wonderfully documented Soundblaster Live 5.1 + MP3 soundcard...until I upgrade SOON !!!!!!!!!.......or has someone else felt the pain I'm feelin' have a 1.2 gig processor, 250 mg of ram ..NOT OVERLOADED...and not a problem with the midi recording just when I started the vocals thing ....HELP I AM IN PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not really clear on question, but what you describe sounds like digital clipping (exceeding 0db).

You probably have your gain set too high, or the source is very uneven. An uneven source is pretty common with vocals, particularly where the vocalist is not experienced.

If this is the problem, you can either reduce the input gain, or you can learn to move back from the mic on strong loud notes.

You could also put a compressor on the incoming signal, but many people frown on this as your vocal would then be printed with the compression. If you afterwards decide that the settings were wrong, it's too late.
I am just guessing here too...

If you play the tracks seperately, then there's nothing's wrong, right? I've experienced that many times. If they do distort seperately, your gain was set too high. Or you use maximum volume levels (6.0)

When you play a couple of tracks at volumelevel 0.0 (or more) in Homestudio2002 the sound almost always distorts, especially when all of the played tracks are loud (normalised, compressed)

My solution:

Try to decrease the seperate volumefaders, or the virtual main fader. In fact, the Virtual Main led is a good indicator when you decide to decrease the seperate volumefaders too: when it hits the red, I'm sure it'll distort.

With loud (but not distorting, mind you) tracks I always start out with an initial volumesetting of -5 or -10dB. This setting should prevent problems...

Hope this helps.
...SB Live! installed on ASUS Mobo sometimes causes "crackle" and slight distortion on audio. It's the driver thingie (yeah, all driver I tested, even KX driver). I once face this problem, but reinstall the whole Win XP and SONAR again did solve the prob...;)