Buying the Oktava MK012 Online


New member
Hey..Can anyone tell me a website where i can buy the Oktava MK012 microphone online? Id greatly appreciate it..thanks
I know one thing - the Guitar Center is sold out until August, or maybe even later. I'm hearing that they are having trouble with import laws. If they're having trouble, the Sound Room might eventually have trouble too if they run out of mics.
Flatpicker said:
I know one thing - the Guitar Center is sold out until August, or maybe even later. I'm hearing that they are having trouble with import laws. If they're having trouble, the Sound Room might eventually have trouble too if they run out of mics.
Where did you hear that? Thanks
The biggest problem facing anyone wanting to own these is the reported quality control problems with Oktava mics. Guitar Center is the exclusive reseller of these mics in the United States. The publisher of Mojo Pie told me he tried five MK012s when he purchased his pair from Guitar Center. Of the five, two were duds. But, he also told me he likes these mics a lot. So, when you buy, you'll need to check them out for quality and match up a pair by ear. It is definitely worth the hassle.

The Sound Room is the other place you'll find these mics in the United States. The Sound Room is not an authorized reseller. But, the Sound Room does perform extra quality control and guarantees the mics it sells. It is a lot more expensive to buy these from the Sound Room but it could be worth it in exchange for getting perfectly matched pairs and an assurance of more rigorous quality control. Several engineers maintain that you do not necessarily need a pair of the MK012 to be perfectly matched. In essence, a close match will get the job done. However, in recording Classical music, you'll probably want to spend the extra money for the perfect matched pairs offered by the Sound Room.
If you have access to a guitar center, visit it and say you want the 2 oktava mc012 cardoid mics for $99 DEAL. The keyword is "DEAL." They will give it to you. Just be nice, sincere, and direct. If they still don't give it to you, ask their manager. I've really gotten good deals at GC since I established a connection with a salesguy who I only buy equipment from him. In return, he gives me insane discounts..insane. Stedman pop-filter for $50? Nah, try $28 brand new out the door :)...just an example. coughMicStandsFor$9.99cough... :)
The thing I like about GC is if you take care of them (give them good amounts of business), they take care of you (i.e. giving you better deals to prolong the business contacts = more sales). And I like how the sales guy let me bring my drumset in to be tuned for free and teach me a little about the kit. I'm sure not every GC experience is as good as mine, but it wouldn't hurt to try it.

Flatpicker said:
I know one thing - the Guitar Center is sold out until August, or maybe even later. I'm hearing that they are having trouble with import laws. If they're having trouble, the Sound Room might eventually have trouble too if they run out of mics.
DJL said:
Where did you hear that? Thanks
Flatpicker said:
From a pro audio guy I know at Guitar Center.
Thanks Flatpicker.

Has anyone else here heard anything about this? Thanks
> Has anyone else here heard anything about this?

I was skeptical about this, so I looked in the Pro Audio department of my GC tonight.

I did see a couple of MK-012s in the main showcase, but no other Oktavas of any model in the whole place.

I also noticed that for the first time in years, the monthly sale flyer had zero Oktava products listed anywhere.

Flatpicker said:
Hmmm. If McKay can't get them, why does he think GC can?
No, Scott meant that they'd sold out all their existing stocks from McKay and now can't get any more from him. Sound Room no doubt sells but a tiny fraction of the number GC does, so maybe they have enough existing stocks or something.

One wonders what this sudden dry spell is all about. Just when Oktava gets a good line on fairly consistent components and a seemingly endless supply of buyers, the faucet gets turned off.
Oktava Mics Quality Control

"The biggest problem facing anyone wanting to own these is the reported quality control problems with Oktava mics."

Yeah, when I bought a pair of MK012, I compared five of them and they all sounded different. I picked the two that sounded the most alike and I've been happy with them.

Greg Blaisdell