Buying a new strat..need help..


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A few years ago I bought a mexi players deluxe..great feel and nice looking but I hate the sound of those noiseless pickups..They`re crap!! No output either! I just want a solid Fender stratocaster sound and there are so many new styles. Which models should I be looking at? Anyone?
A few years ago I bought a mexi players deluxe..great feel and nice looking but I hate the sound of those noiseless pickups..They`re crap!! No output either! I just want a solid Fender stratocaster sound and there are so many new styles. Which models should I be looking at? Anyone?

If you like the MIM Strat,just change the pickups.I have a couple of cheap guitars that I felt the same way about and I switched the pickups and now they are my favorite guitars.
Yeah, don't ditch a guitar you like because of the pickups!

What you need to be asking is 'what kind of pickups should I put in it to get this kind of sound?'

And I wish I had an answer for you, but I'm looking myself.
Yeah, if you like the guitar itself, just throw in a new set of pickups. It's an easy way to solve your problem.
I have a '73 Strat that had EMG active pickups in it that I hated. I changed them out for Texas Specials and the difference is incredible. If you like the guitar and only want a more authentic sound, save the bucks and buy better pickups. The Texas Specials are great sounding, but they are noisy (which can add to their charm) for recording purposes. I have to dick around with the amp and even the direction the guitar faces when I'm playing. Sometimes one position adds more buzz but if I move over a bit, the buzz lessens and is more tolerable. Curious. You gotta love that Strat sound.
Texas Specials all the way! They are by far the best sounding single coil pick ups. I have them on two Strats but each guitar has a different humbucker by the bridge.
I do like my Texas Specials, and would recommend them- but a set of pups from an American Standard are VERY close, and will save you some bucks, even if you buy new.
On buying a new Strat:
There's not a model that can be singled out that is perfect for all applications. Your choice depends on what kind of sound and feel you're after. Just go out and play as many as you can and pick the out that speaks to you and fits your wallet.

Do yourself a favor and consider a G&L while you're looking.

On pickups:
I'm a big fan of Fralin Blues Specials.

For NotCardio on P-90s and ukes:
Tell me where you get your Fender F-150 electric soprano uke strings.

Anyway you have to get 12% overwound P-90s to get the right growl for that "Smoke On The Water/Tiptoe Through The Tulips" medley that you do. Also, the pineapple body style works way better than the standard one. I'm looking forward to your next CD.
One Strat I would recommend is the Lonestar strat. It's a very versatile guitar, very well built, cheap in comparison to most but it has 2 texas specials and a seymour duncan pearly gates humbucker for if you want a fat sound on the bridge. I found with strats like the duluxe they dont sound as good as they're worth and the S1 button is a bit of gimmick really, they renown for not working properely.
Okay thanks guys...I still wanna buy a new one though..Any recommendations? I`d also like one with a pop in trem bar instead of the screw in deal..and no Noiseless N3`s!
Okay thanks guys...I still wanna buy a new one though..Any recommendations? I`d also like one with a pop in trem bar instead of the screw in deal..and no Noiseless N3`s!

First, switch your pickups anyway.

Second, just go play a whole bunch of strats until you find one you like. Not all Strats are created equal, and it has very little to do with model number.

Third, IIRC no fenders come stock with a pop-in trem bar. That said, this is a direct retrofit for the trem on an American Standard, and is one of the best trems I've ever played. You still have to screw in the bar, but the arm holder's tension sleeve gives you a lot of the feel of the pop in bar on an Ibanez Edge, without wearing out so fast.