Bushido !


New member
My sensei once told me a storey, went like this.
The Emporer of japan had grown afraid of the samuri class. He felt that they were too hard and lacked softness in thier souls. To counteract this he demanded that shogun and all the samuri learn to play and instrument. It didnt matter what kind, wind, string, singing or percussion.

This is my song, for the Emporer... Bushido
I wonder would he be pleased?

Man... the one-star bandit strikes again... who is that goon? :rolleyes:... some more stars will even the score more...

...because this deserves it... I'm convinced this one-star dork doesn't listen to more than about 20 seconds into a song... if it doesn't immediately get heavy, he gives it 1 and moves on :(

:o Anyways on to your song...

Now that guitar tone really works HERE, Imo... in the ChrisHarris song... it was DIFFERENT... and for that it was good... but IMO it really works here... it's crunchified, as well as "screamy"... if that makes any sense...

IMO the only real mix issue here that stands out head & shoulders is when that tom-tom & kick drum crash come down, the mix clips HEAVILY... (bass guit has its part in that, too...)

If you could somehow lay down those SR-16 tom-toms separate from the kick drum, and EQ them somehow so they didn't overlap too much around 100Hz, the mix wouldn't clip any more and it would still be LOUD.

Very nice, and adventurous. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were getting influenced by B.SABBATH and SLuiCe :D

BTW thanks for listening to my toon... I was hoping you and Cranky would get to hear it...

Rock on, man :D

Actually thats not a tom but some asian drum, and yes I hear that clipping too.... anyway my buddy Tom, my good friend and Music compadre says this song isnt over yet, he's working on a change to add to the tune. It can only get better, I hope!

lol as for the 1 star, maybe he thinks I really deserve it, who knows...
interesting start to the song..........nice melodies.........cool production..........great guitar playing man.......nice tone too.......no real suggestions, nice work
dumb question, but how do you get to the song? I didn't see the link for the music..

Looks like he's taken them down Sam.They were located on the left hand side of the page,but they're gone now.