Burning all tracks in their proper order


New member
I have a song with fifteen tracks on it that I need to burn to a disk so that I could be able to take that disc to another computer with n-track on it and be able to bring it up.
Could someone help me figure this out please?

Thank you

Sure thing, State. It's pretty easy, and you've got 2 choices on how to do it.

1. N comes with a built-in utility that will do this for you. Open the song and select File.. Save As Packed Song File. Burn the resulting file to CDRW. When you double-click the resulting file on the new PC, N will unpack all the WAVs and the .SNG file into a new folder for you. Easy.

2. Simply burn all WAV files and the .SNG (song) file involved in the project to CDRW. Copy the files into a new folder on the second PC and open the .SNG file from within N. Easy.

As handy as the Packed Song File function is, it involves compressing the WAV files using Ogg Vorbis (not a bad compression scheme, but there IS some data loss). So, i prefer to use the second option.

Hope this helps.

OH! btw, you don't have to worry about keeping the WAV files in order. N does that for you. All that info is stored in the SNG file.

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