Burn On (Randy Newman Cover)

Thanks, manslick! That's really nice.

I cut out a little low end from both the vocal and the guitar and leveled the vocals a bit better. I noticed they were fluctuating a bit.
I haven't thought about that movie in years!

Vocals might be a little loud on this mix. The guitar gets completely buried when they overlap.

Vocal artifact on "lake" at 0:59
I haven't thought about that movie in years!

Vocals might be a little loud on this mix. The guitar gets completely buried when they overlap.

Vocal artifact on "lake" at 0:59

Thanks, Steve. Fixed that artifact.
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Nice-enjoyable song/performance/mix. The guitar and voice sound natural and the balance between them seems right on. There were a few rough spots on the vocals, right up to the chorus the performance was great but it seemed to waver a bit, on second listen around the 1:30 mark is where it kind of falters a bit, it kind of broke my transom there, the performance recovers, but i would consider redoing parts like that. Excellent job otherwise.
Thanks a ton for the feedback, Strat. Maybe I'll redo that part, but it's tape so I'd have to redo the entire take.
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What kind of processing did you use on the vocal? I know you said eq/comp, but there's a distorted sound to it, particularly in the second half of the recording. Is that in the stem? Or from processing?
I heard that too and think it must be the VU meters getting pushed on tape. That would make sense since the ending has more energy and probably pushed them harder.
I thought this was pretty good.

I thought the guitar was missing just a bit of its top end. Just a little muffled. I heard a knock of the guitar body in at least one spot.
I'm new to this forum so I don't know how much feedback is appropriate. Forgive me if I come off too strong.

As a guitar player myself, when I hear a recording I'm looking for parts where the artist clearly sounds like they are concentrating on performing instead of actually performing (guilty myself). Even the greats do this. I noticed Freddy Mercury wasn't as confident on his guitar as he was on the piano, so in concert when he straps on the guitar for a song or two, his vocal performance goes down by 2 notches as he is concentrating on his guitar work and less on his singing.

The problem with recording in single take gear is you don't get to mix various sections of the song. In that scenario then if you want to deliver a great performance then you must know the song forward and backwards, including how you intend to deliver each section.

When the song goes up around 1:20, I don't believe that Cleveland is calling you. It sounds like you recorded everything in single take, and you have to work more on becoming one with your higher parts before you are ready to record this song. If you were recording in a mix setup, I would recommend that you do that vocal section separately so you can get in the zone for those parts individually.

I hope that helps.
Thanks, that's interesting feedback and pretty observant. I heard the song while watching a movie and recorded it the next morning. Even had to read lyrics off the computer while singing it. So, definitely didn't know it well. Made the guitar part on the spot. I was more interested in the balance of the two since I don't record much acoustic/voice stuff and might want to get into it more. Did the mix seem balanced in that sense or was the vocal or guitar to loud, etc?
Hey, Nola. Sorry I missed this. Haven't been on the forum much lately. Sounds really good to me, both vocal and guitar are well recorded. I did like that harmony that you had at one point in the song, would like to hear it elsewhere. I don't remember my old Fostex 4 track portastudio ever sounding that good. Can you even find high bias tape anymore?
Can you even find high bias tape anymore?

Believe it or not you can still find tape. PM if if you want a source.
Yeah I think the 244 is one of the better 4-tracks ever made, if not the best.

Thanks for the feedback, Robus!
Nice recording man! Heard a little comp seam at :59. The balance between vocal/guitar is nice.

Thanks, boss!
What is comp seam, though? I've never heard that. The compression so low...like -2db on the vocal track only, so I'm surprised if that's it, but I will look once I know what seam is!
Just a join between takes, sounds like when I do a comp of two takes in the middle of a phrase. I noticed after posting that someone described it earlier as an artifact, that’s a better way to describe it since I can’t say for sure what it is. It’s a really good recording, getting an acoustic like that is surprisingly hard.
Just a join between takes, sounds like when I do a comp of two takes in the middle of a phrase. I noticed after posting that someone described it earlier as an artifact, that’s a better way to describe it since I can’t say for sure what it is. It’s a really good recording, getting an acoustic like that is surprisingly hard.

Oh, interesting. Nothing was comped together, so I will have to look at that again. There is some distortion on the vocals, which I think was from pushing the 4-track VU hard.
Thanks on the acoustic. It's a Guild D-40 where I just placed the mic in the traditional neck spot.