Burn Me Up Inside (original)


New member
Finished this project a while ago. Let me know if you would like details about the recording. Drums aren't tuned great but otherwise I feel like it turned out well.

I like the piano work. Is there bass on this track?

All in all, mostly due to the vocals, this sounds like something I'd hear on Sesame Street. Singer sounds a lot like Big Bird.
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I don;'t like the vocalist voice but that's a personal taste. Recording it's pretty got, it would be nice to hear a bass in ther to accentuate some parts and create nice harmonies along the piano. Drums are good for the song, nothing to complain.
music is good, but the vocals are too low in volume. Hard to tell if they need any adjusting too.

It's a good recording.

The work didn't merit the trouble you went to, I think.

I'm guessing you're the drummer...and that you played the piano, too....hitting all the figures in unison. A hard listen, with nothing else to bounce it off.

You're obviously a studied drummer. I hear where you want to go with this.
But two things.....
1-It's a song, not an 11-stroke roll showcase. The drums are overplayed to annoyance. Taste? No.
2-You're good, but you're way pushing the envelope of your skills...some flubs and other issues. Maybe play what you know cold? It's supposed to sound relaxed...a walk in the park. It plays like you're sweating the parts with your tongue hanging out. And it discomforts me.

As a genre-specific offering, the upright is essential.

With a little taste and discipline on the cans..some practice of the piano parts...no letting your arpeggios fall of the cliff in the solo....and an upright, this could be something. The vocal sounds forced campy...like a song for an animated mouse. That is something you can actually sell.....but you gotta tighten up the band!!! [relax....play what you know]

Great recorded sounds, though.
I don't play the drums in this. It's two guys drummer and pianist on a yamaha p-140 keyboard. I used its midi outputs though and sounds from logic pro. They recorded it live not to a metranome Vocals and all. String and trombone midi sections were done later.

I guess pretty good for the genre...but I'm n expert there, so I'll just comment on the recording. Performance is pretty good and the overall sound of the mix is pretty good. All it needs is bass, like everybody said.
Entertaining, like the Muppets....!:D

Joey :):):):)