Built a home studio desk - my result

Looks nice. When I move house I'll be building my own desk. I'm looking forward to it.


You should! It's a lot of fun. I love the fact that you can customize it however you'd like it to be. It takes quite some time though, but you'll probably enjoy it. :) Cheers!
Looking real sleek! Is that your interface on the left side? What kind are you using? I can't decide if I want to chuck the ol' Alesis I have for another board or a go with a rackmount firewire unit...
Looking real sleek! Is that your interface on the left side? What kind are you using? I can't decide if I want to chuck the ol' Alesis I have for another board or a go with a rackmount firewire unit...

Thank you! It is my interface indeed. My interface and my preamp. My interface will be the Steinberg MR816 X. Very satisfied with this unit! :-)