building rack units

mr engineer

New member
hi i'm in the process of building my own rack unit from wood and i'm trying to track down those rails that you mount in the unit to bolt your equipment to. anyon know where to get this stuff?


You used to be able to order them from Musicians friend or Carvin. I found mine at a local music store.

All this said, I don't use them on my studio stuff, just my live stuff. for the studio, I just used a couple pieces of hard wood and screwed right into them. It works fine, and people (in other words I don't remember who) tell me that it helps prevent weird ground loop things from happening.

Markertek has it also. It ain't cheap stuff but it's the right way to go. John Sayers can probably lead you to a vendor over there in Australia if you can catch him.
I second Erics suggestion of hardwood rack brackets. I used the metal ones on one of my racks and hardwood on the other... the wood is so much easier (and nicer looking). I don't tend to move gear around much so that is not an issue. Th reason most gear providers give you the plastic grommets is to keep from grounding to the metal brackets. Wood is good.
