Buffer And Latency


New member
Hi cubies,

I use a US122 to record into cubase LE. Just wondering about the buffer settings in cubase. My US122 control panel has a latency adjustment. I understand the latency can be adjusted by the cubase buffer settings too. Under the devices setting in cubase, then under multitrack ( i think)

1. It says numer of physical buffers is 4. What does this mean?
2. it has a buffer size setting as well. I can't remember what it is on but how does changing this effect latency?

At the moment I have the us122 latency setting at minimal but I have not touched the buffer setting. I get some pops occasionally with midi and vst's and it has been suggested I may need to adjust the buffer size (and get more ram which I am doing)

Any help would be appreciated.

"Buffer and Latency"...Weren't they the 2 kids on that show with Mr. French?
Well, the bigger the Buffer size usually means the more latency you are going to have. Your buffer size should be around 1024. If there is still an huge latencey issue then I guess you should put the buffer even lower, something like 512.
Ram would help too.
That helped some, thanks.
I guess what I really need to know now is what is the difference between my US122 latency adjuster and my buffer settings in cubase?
utsman said:
That helped some, thanks.
I guess what I really need to know now is what is the difference between my US122 latency adjuster and my buffer settings in cubase?

The US122 latencey can be as low as you want without the quality of the sound being degraded.
But as the cubase buffer setting gets lower, so does your playback quality.
utsman said:
That helped some, thanks.
I guess what I really need to know now is what is the difference between my US122 latency adjuster and my buffer settings in cubase?

This all depends on which driver you use. If you use the ASIO driver supplied with your audio card, you will use it's control panel for adjusting latency/buffers.
If you are using Steinberg's generic drivers, you use the control panel for that driver. Adjustments made to your US122's control panel will have no effect if you are using the generic Steinberg drivers.

Latency and buffer settings are directly related to each other. The US122 control panel just makes it easier for you by just offering a latency adjustment. By adjusting the latency, the US122 control panel makes the necessary buffer adjustments. Basically the opposite of how Steinberg's control panel (and other ASIO drivers) function. In that you make the buffer adjustments to achieve a desired latency.
crankz 1,

you nailed it. That's what I was after. Thanks man,

And thanks to other helpers too.
