budget recording oh yeh


New member
Hi, we are thinking about getting a recording studio, i just have a few questions about our proposed setup, and if there are any changes we should make.
At the moment we have a computer, keyboard, effects pedal with direct out for recording, 2 electric and one acoustic guitar.
We want to be able to record, but without spending a lot of money.

At the moment we have decided to get the m-audiophile 24/96 (which i have been recommend to, and have heard good reviews about it), to replace out crappy sound card. The plug the keyboard into it and a yamaha mixer (not sure which one yet, most likley the MG12/4, thats not final but it is probably going to be a yamaha, as we have heard the pre amps are good.) Unless someone can recommend a better mixer, bearing in mind that we don't want to spend more than £200 on it, and it does not need lots of channels as we would be recording mainly guitar + vocals, maybe a backing guitar. Then plug everything into the mixer, and get some monitors.

Would that setup be fine for what we want to do, if there is anything we should change to get better quality or anything, please let me know.

Also, can someone recommend some good monitors (again, max of £250 for both, give or take), and a good mike for recording acoustic guitar.

I posted this in general recording a few days ago, but didn't get many replies and i think this is a better place to post it :p