budget "mastering' tool


New member
So----narrowing down to a simple mastering tool....(not tracking/inserting +++just stereo buss) We know there is not a "cure-all" for one single piece of gear to bring a mix to a masterpiece..but for a survival kit of under $2000 -what is your pick?#?#?#?

P.S. {used on the 1969 & 747}

Drawmer 1969
Avalon 747
or a RNC with Speck ASC-T

It looks like you may be looking for a piece of hardware, so if that's true, this may not apply.

But if you are using a computer for tracking or mixing...

Check out Izotope Ozone. $199. (yeah, 10% of your limit) www.izotope.com

64-bit processing. Multiband dynamics, harmonic exciting, stereo imaging. Loudness maximizer, mastering reverb, 6 band parametric equalizer (8 if you include the bass and high shelfs). Very good analog modeling. Real time spectrum display and phase meter and vector scope. Free PDF file all about mastering and using it on the site. Demo available -- fully featured, but mutes itself for a couple of seconds every 20 seconds.

The only drawback I've found so far is that its a CPU hog -- but that's to be expected given what its doing.

No, I don't have any association with them...just a very satisfied customer. :)

Just a thought,
i master under SX with waves plugins. sometimes ozone but i usually don't need it.. soon i'll have a uad-1 :) then i won't need waves or ozone