Budget graphics card (Under £30!!)


New member
At the moment i have a Geforce 4 MX440 128mb graphics card. However, i am finding that this is basically crap and keeps crashing when i use cubase or play ANY games :mad:


From that link, what is the bets graphics card there? I want one that is better than my current card, however i only have an AGP 4x slot. Which of those cards under £30 would you recommend, ( as long as it is better than my current card).
Thanks for any help, sorry i know nothing about grahpics cards!!
Are you sure it's your graphics card that's making Cubase crash?

If you have an illegal copy of Cubase that may well be part of your crashing problem, or it may be that you just need a new sound card.

I get along just fine with the stock graphics card in both my computers...