budget condenser choice

rick woodall

New member
hello all

i have just been considering my options on buying a mic/mics. i currently use 2 sm58's, one of which i borrow and the other is an old one some one gave to me. but i am thinking of getting into condenser teritory and just wondered if any one had any suggestions on what to buy with my limited funds.

i have been recomended the rode nt1 which would be in my price range and i've heard good things about it. the only problem being is that i want two mics. i like to record vocals and guitar together and having one recorded on a live mic and the other recorded on a studio mic would just iritate the hell out of me due to the difference in sound quality between the two mics.

i think the maximum i could spend would be about £200 (aprox $250). idealy i would like to buy 2 mics with this. cheers. all suggestions welcome.