Buchla sytnhs and controllers. KOOL!!!


New member
I first saw the Buchla Marimba Lumina (Gold Edition) back in 1999 and was floored by it. Just thought I'd expose Buchla to those of you who may not have been exposed yet.


The Marimba Lumina: http://www.buchla.com/mlumina/index.html
The Marimba Lumina (Gold Edition--KOOL!!!!): http://www.buchla.com/mlumina/gold.html

Lightning II performance controller: http://www.buchla.com/lightning/index.html

Series 200e Modular Synth: http://www.buchla.com/200e/index.html

Way Pricey, Way Kool, Way Worth It!!!
Moog is stretching the limits of my financial ways-and-means.

I'd have to become a highly-paid male prostitute to afford Buchla!!!