bubbly noise


New member
i have a problem.when i play sustained notes on the high E around anything over the 8th fret i get a bubbly noise.has anyone ever had this problem?

sipi1910 said:
i have a problem.when i play sustained notes on the high E around anything over the 8th fret i get a bubbly noise.has anyone ever had this problem?


It might be crepetus. Have you broken any ribs or been shot in the chest lately? Actually can you give some more info. Kinda hard to comment. Any cahnce you can record the sound for us to hear?

it sounds like i am moving the toggle switch back and forth or like im picking the note over and over.

Lemme guess...

you're playing a strat, right? (i guess it could be another guitar but I've only seen this happen with strats).

One or more of your pickups need to be lowered. The magnet from your pickup is interfering with the vibration of the string. just lower the pickup you believe to be offending (sometimes you can even see it messign with the vibration of the string if you watch from the side).
hey charger! its actually en epiphone les paul but a friend of mine has a strat and his does the same thing.ill try lowering the pickuos tonight.thanks for your response.
