Browns Fery Blues (bluegrass track)

Whoa! I love this!

The only thing I have to say about your mix is...its fucking awesome IMO. Love the vocals!
This sounded great. I love bluegrass. everything sounded real good. Very good playing.

The only thing I'd comment on is the vocal level. it's not bad, but a word here and there get lost. You might want to ride the fader in a couple of spots.

Excellent job.
Sounded very good, thought it could use a little more air and would like to hear that bass pumping a bit more.
Very good stuff. I things everything is mixed good except the vocals sounds a little dull compared to everything else. Maybe just a bump in 2K-4K range to highlight it a little more. Great job.
Thank you. The tracks really have nothing but some reverb, panning and then the over all mix loudened a bit. I would say the "dull vocal" and "needs more air" comment are kinda related. I, too, prefer a tighter thumping bass sound, but I don't know how to get it. EQ? Compression? Push the fader?
Probably all of the above. See how loud you can get it with just the fader and just EQ filter at 2K and roll off above that (maybe roll of below 50 if you are hearing rumble). See how that works. If you do use compression, I would start with very high threshold and slow attack, quick release (just a guess).

I always have to play with compression as I am not good at it. There might be a few others who could guide you in that area better than I can. Main thing is, you want to keep as much of the bass characteristics as possible and get it a little heaver in the mix.
I, too, prefer a tighter thumping bass sound, but I don't know how to get it. EQ? Compression? Push the fader?

If it were me, I wouldn't touch the bass. I think it's fine.

If you want something "tighter" there sounds like a frequency in the low 100's that might be notched out. So I'd find that frequency, notch out something very narrow with EQ, and then boost the fader a little compensate for the reduced low end. But like I said, if it were I wouldn't worry about it.
Good tune, good playing and great vocals. The bass sounded fine to me. I agree with the poster who said the mix needs more air. It's very in-your-face and present. The percussive sound of the banjo was pretty brutal. Occasionally the vocal would have the same effect when it hit a loud note. Some of the transients were harsh enough to make me wince.

If it were my mix, I thin out some of the midrange to create a more open sound and shift some of the instruments back in the mix (banjo especially). Like you're hearing it live in a room (or an outdoor barbecue, or whatever the appropriate venue) instead of listening to a multitrack recording with overdubs.