Brother can you spare a mix?


New member
I'm in a bit of a pickle. My teenage daughter says she mistakenly sat on my Fostex vf160. Just a little, she says. As soon as she realised her ass was not on the loveseat, she hopped up. Never mind that I have had my gear set up there for almost 2 years. Any way, most of the faders are no longer functional, which means I'm pretty screwed as I'm broke(supporting 5 people will do that).
I've got a 13 song metal project that I need mixed. It's pretty simple, stereo drum track, bass, left & right guitars, licks and solos comped on 2 or 3 tracks and mostly a single vocal track. Half of them have multiple vocal takes. It wasn't suppossed to be done just yet, but my kids butt finished it.
It’s metal and the lyrics on half of the songs are noncomplimentary and or derogatory towards religion. Just a heads-up in case that sort of thing bugs you.
Mix one, mix a few, mix them all! Can I get any takers for my charity mix?
Thanks for the tips.
I'll get right on that after I'm done washing your car, chessrock! :D
Are you sure you just want your balls licked?
I live in downtown Chicago, so I don't actually own a car.

But I'll mix your stuff for you if I can borrow yours for a while ... like maybe a year or so.

I'll even let you wash it. With your bare tongue, even.
What a nice young man. :rolleyes:

Hey dude if I had some more time at the moment I'd have a crack at it for practice but sadly I have too much on right now. I hope you can find people who'll give you a hand with it!
The Green Hornet said:
Yo Dude of Dudes:

Kindly tell "Corinne" I send her a SMUG. [A Mighty Hug.] :rolleyes:

:D :D

Nice space you have.

Green Hornet
Cheers Hornet of Hornets!

My best mate used to date Corinne a few years back when they played in a band together. I have CDs we did when she was like 16 and didn't know how to sing ... she used to sound like Bjork!

Then she moved to London to try and make herself a career ... we didn't hear from her for three years and then she pops up on national TV with a new look, a new band ... and a new double-barrelled surname. :mad: My chance is forever gone!!! :D :D
noisedude said:
Cheers Hornet of Hornets!

My best mate used to date Corinne a few years back when they played in a band together. I have CDs we did when she was like 16 and didn't know how to sing ... she used to sound like Bjork!

Then she moved to London to try and make herself a career ... we didn't hear from her for three years and then she pops up on national TV with a new look, a new band ... and a new double-barrelled surname. :mad: My chance is forever gone!!! :D :D

You never had a chance in the first place Noseyprude! :mad: :mad: :mad: