"Broken Wings"

if you download it, please leave a comment. I'd really appreciate it! even if you freakin hate it. This was done for a friend, with limited time, because it was a gift to my friends girl friend... written and recorded within 4 hrs
Hey just listened. Not too bad. The recording quality wasn't too good but as you said it was a rushed job. The lyrics were ok from what I heard but the vocals didn't impress me too much and the drum rolls were a bit much for me.

my 2 cents ~
with alittle more messin' around, I still can't get a crisp sound from my mix. I was wonderin' if its the sound card or something that is hurting the mix when it goes from my mixer to my pc. It sounds good in the headphones when I plug em into the mixer.. but it comes out kinda dull if you know what I mean.

Listen and More comments please! !
nice gtr riff/hook

one of the problems you are having with the mix is the guitar is to far up in the mix (too loud)

bring the guitar down (not all the way), then go play the song on you boom box, and car radio, ect..
and check the bass, drums, and lead vox mix

this song is guitar driven, so it doesn’t have to be so hot in the mix

keep rockin’
Are you mixing the song through headphones? That could be a lot of the problem with the overall sound that you're getting. Also, sounds like the vocals need some compression, it would help keep the volume of his voice more steady. Guitars could use some more high end. At 1:06 or 1:07 there is this weird distortion noise just briefly. What is that? Clipping?? Good luck. :cool:
fart at 1:06?

I know this song was a gift so the lyrics can slide. Why is the lead guitar so shy? And of course flatulance at 1:06. The song is pretty, sounds real and heartfelt. I think the vox are fine, sort of like Manerd's sweet alter ego.
thats called our old bass player... not to good.. lol, but he went to the army special forces and we have a much more talented bassist now
The guitars and overall mix sound really muddy to me... I think they would probably sound better by cutting all the lows below about 150 - 200. Try boosting just a tad from about 1-5 KHz on the guitars and maybe the same thing on the master EQ.