Brian Moore Guitars


New member
I'm thinking of picking up a Brian Moore guitar. Trying to do all my homework on these guitars, and I figured I'd solicit the board's feedback on these instruments. I did a search for prior posts, but aside from one short thread in 2002, there wasn't much info.

Probably going to go for the i8 or the i81 (I like the neck-through of the i1, but I hate the middle pickup configuration - always gets in my way).

Anyone who has tried one, owns one, or has other information or feedback about them care to share thier thoughts, opinions, praises, cautions?

FYI, I play pretty much rock and hard rock. I need a guitar that can "kick it" on the hard side, and then clean up nicely. I'll be playing through a Budda SuperDrive 18 amp. Haven't yet decided whether to throw an overdrive/distortion pedal in front of it, yet.

I have a Brian Moore i1f. It looks gorgeous. it plays good after some work (frets filed, setup) The bridge pickup screams. The other pickup settings are noisey (hum).
I paid a little over a grand for it. Personally, I have a Schector C-1 Classic that I always seem to grab first. It cost me $750.00
I agree...the BM's seem to be $600-$700 guitars that sell for $1000- which I guess is better than a new Fender that sells for $979 that should sell for $399 :)

The Shecter's also IMO are a better value for that style of guitar. But a friend recently got an endorsement with Halo guitars, and they are all AMerican made and the $399 that I played should have sold for $699.

See if you can find anything out about those...
TheRockDoc said:
I agree...the BM's seem to be $600-$700 guitars that sell for $1000- which I guess is better than a new Fender that sells for $979 that should sell for $399 :)

The Shecter's also IMO are a better value for that style of guitar. But a friend recently got an endorsement with Halo guitars, and they are all AMerican made and the $399 that I played should have sold for $699.

See if you can find anything out about those...

Thanks. I just looked around to see what I could find about Halo - they seem too much of a metal guitar for me. I already have a pretty sweet Charvel Model A to take care of that range of music (that plays hard rock and metal VERY well - plug that puppy in, turn the gain up, and yeah!). I'm looking for something a little more versatile that can clean up a little better - play hard through the gain channel, and play sweet through the clean channel.

And that brings me back to the Brian Moore's. Yes, I can see how paying $1,000 could be too high. But I think I can pick one up for in the $700 range, so I think that gets me closer to the price range you suggested was appropriate. Did you have the same hum issues that Joey B had?
i like the idea of the ones with midi in them! that might be kinda cool...

myself i have played one (not sure what model) used at Scam Ash....

it was nice on a clean sound, crunch was really chunky and all that. but the neck was really thin.... i hate that i like something my long fingers and can get a grip on myself.... good guitar though i myself like Gretsch but then i am not a rocker really....
Just my $.02, but every one I've played sounded shrill/bright to my ears. Might just need a change of pups...keep in mind also that resale is not very good on the non-US models. Good luck on the hunt!!