Brent Averill 312a


New member
Does anyone have any experience with these pre's in an all around setting.
I am looking for two pre's to compliment my Sebatron and I have heard good things about these 312a's

I was also considering the isa 428. But I like the idea of buying a pre and being able to talk to the person who actually built it.

I primary record piano driven indy-pop.

I appreciate your time....
Are you getting the lunchbox or the rack powersupply?Great system,you can add more cards different cards later,like OSA's and API's..I have the OSA's A's,C's{I love 'em on drums} and L3 they are excellent,the L3 reminds me a bit of the Great River NV..I've never used the B/A 312 but Im sure its very nice,I have heard good things about them from folks..Good luck :)