Bread Instrumental


New member
It’s taken me a while but I finally re-recorded this instrumental making it shorter. I am stuck, can someone offer some advice.


some nice guitar sounds.. seems like the drummer's timing is iffy.. some of those higher guitar harmonies/melodies sound a little out of tune.. like a pitch shifter was used on a guitar that wasn't fully tuned.. the mp3 is @96kbps so it's hard to make proper mix calls.. you should post a 128 mp3 at least..
Thanks for the feed back

I was concerned about the size but tonight I’ll update it to 128.

The tuning posses is a good question because someone made the same comment last time. Because of this I paid extra attention and made sure to tune before every take. Can something be causing this besides an actual tuning problem? I’ll have to go back and check but maybe I put some chorus on one of the tracks it is modulating funny compared to the other. Maybe I need some chorus to balance things out. The harmony is an octave. I have checked my intonation and it is good. Any thoughts

Thanks for the comment on the guitar sounds. I am the guitarist but I doubled as the drummer and because of the timing issues I have been trying to decide if I should get a real drummer to redo it. The question I haven’t been able to answer is if it is worth it.
Ok I’ve uploaded the 128bit version. Still a question on the “out of tune” guitars. I didn’t use any effects on the guitars. Although on the lower harmony I am doing a little counter point bounce off the key center which is kind of dissonant against the melody…. Maybe???

Man, y’all always scare me when no one replies. It always seems like the bad posts get less replies. Someone say something, even if it is bad.
I tend to read this board more than I post, but since you asked...

I really liked the guitar parts. Very original. The harmonies were great, and the melody is catchy. It's a little long, but my favorite part was after the break. The intensity changes and steps it up a notch.

As far as having a "real" drummer redo the drums, I think your ok either way. However, the better each part sounds, the better the song sounds as a whole. So if you know someone who is willing your not out could only make it better. But the drums were pretty impressive considering it's not your main instrument.

Overall, good job.
Wow, I was preparing myself for the worst. It's stupid how we get self conscious sometimes. Thanks for the kind words.