Brand new song - thoughts on the mix ?

This has a great feel to it and I love the tone of your voice. I like the riff carrying through it gives the pieces its cohesion along with the rhythm section.

I’d like to hear the sample a little louder, so I can actually distinguish what is being said or lower so I know that it is atmospheric and adding to the form rather than contributing to the lyric content. Is it German?

I have no trouble with the snares compression – but yes your master compression must be doing something? Are you using multiband, if so you could play around with the snare frequency or if volume is a problem EQ at master or add light compression on snare channel.

That said I think the reverb with the slap back hitting the left and right f the field, that troubles me much more; as it males it sound a little disjointed, but not in a distant way like you have with the bigger verb on the other elements.

There is a lovely moment of ‘ear suction’ at the end of the first phrase of the riff (on the left) when it stops and the tremolo g comes in (on the right) – more of that. I think you could go some more single word emphasis like “Pride” with B Vox on the left with lots of verb.

I would love to hear the bass a bit more out in front of the drums and bring up the foot abit more to really get that interplay. Between the rhythm section and the riff the song has real legs, so I think you could afford to be a little more selective about what comes in where so that we build through the Vs to the Ch more dramatically.

Great song I look forward to hearing more. I like your other material ur influenec sound diverse but it all has a great continuity around your distict voice. Is that you on the keys in 'Blue Eyed Friend', great sound.
Hi Whatmysay, thanks so much for taking the time to listen and post such great comments! I'm still working on this one, so I'll try out your suggestions for sure. :)

But no, that's not me on piano on "Blue Eyed Friend". My good friend Michael Stone asked me to lay some lead guitar on that one, so that's all I did. :cool: