Brand New Here... need feedback. Thanks!


New member
I've been doing this for years, but I only recently discovered this site. I have three songs on NoWhereRadio. I have a link here, but I'm not sure if it works. If not, just search for Piltdown Man at the site. I haven't subscribed to the service that will allow direct links yet, but I will if anyone listens.

When listening, please keep in mind that I'm the only musician, lyricist, vocalist, etc. I'm a little nervous, because I listened to some stuff that kicked ass here, so I'm not sure how I'll measure up.

I have 8 more CDs of stuff that I can post if I get some feedback here. I'm just kind of testing the waters. Thanks in advance for your opinions. These are all songs in progress, so they may need some remixing, etc.
You will find you'll have a lot more success on getting feedback if you ask about a particular song. Noone wants to critique your complete musical history. This is a mix clinic so give us a mix to comment on. That way you can add a song or two a day for commentary and get very specific mix help.

I'll check something out for ya.
Ok I'm listening to "kiss me till I bleed.

First impression is kinda Cars like. I love the cars. the tune needs a bit of separation in the sonic scene. The recording seems a bit dull and lifeless. The song is decent but the total mix picture is lacking.

Great playing!

Nothing jumps out as blatantly wrong or out of place.
Welcome to the board...

I had a chance to listen to "Did You And Mary Have Sexual Intercourse" ... with a name like this, I had to listen...pretty funny stuff.

The music kind of had a Moby feel to it (imho) and the sampling is pretty funny overall. Kind of a cool little mood piece.

The mix sounded fine over here...The seriousness of the music with the absurdity of the sampling kind of drew me in, even though the piece doesn't really go anywhere...I guess that is pretty cool. It kept my attention.

Nice job and welcome again!

I listened to "Kiss Me..."

Good groove to the guitars. I liked those parts. Real solid execution all around. I liked the harmonies. All the guitar parts were cool.

In general there was a slight lack of presence to everything. A little muffledness to the sound. Less so with the vocals however.

Some vocal syncing issues on the word "return" at :34.

There was a little skip at 2:16 and a small pop at 2:18. It was cut-and-pasted at around 3:52.

Guitar solo around 2:20 was nice, I liked it. A small portion of it gets covered up a bit.

Weird lyrics. A forced rhyme or two ("take me to your master on her throne of alabaster").
"Kiss me" like cars? I'd say the pixies...

Mary and whatnot has a great drum groove- the vocal samples end a little too quickly...try a longer fade out, or some reverb

The synths sound REALLY REALLY 80's, especially the FM sound that comes in like a xylophone-

Where'd the samples come from?
Wow. Thanks for the feedback. I was a little worried after Jake-Owa told me I wouldn't get much reaction for having more than one song. I didn't realize this was strictly a mixing clinic (I know it says that, but I read through the posts, and there was a lot of song critique in it). I've always felt my music lacked that special something that made it stand out. I thought it was just my vocals, 'cause I'm a terrible singer.

TripleM: How do I fix that "lack of presence"? That's been one of my biggest challenges.

Chrisjob: Good point on the samples on "Mary." I'll try some reverb or delay. The 80s sound you mention comes from an Alesis QS6 keyboard. I have a limited number of sounds to choose from, unfortunately.

Jake_owa: How do I make it sound less "lifeless"? Is it the vocals? The guitars? The mix? What can I do?

I'm working in a bedroom, basically, with Cubase, a Zoom 2020 effects board, my Alesis QS6 keyboard, an Aardvark LX6 soundcard and a couple of guitars. I have REALLY basic equipment. I appreciate the critique, but where are the SOLUTIONS? I'm looking to learn here. It's hard to tell where you're lacking when you don't what the hell you're doing. It's not like I have any training.

If you have any answers, let me know.

Thanks again. I appreciate the comments.

Piltdown Man