Bottom of snare - phase reversal


New member
Right so heres the deal, the desk i've been working on doesnt have phase reversal function. The desk is a 24 track soundscraft spirit dest. I asked a tech how i could go about micing up the bottom of the snare, and he told me to make up a cable where pin 3 goes to pin 2 and 2 to 3! So could somone expalin why this reverses the phase?

Its probably somthing simple im missing, but its not clicking!

Switching the wires changes + and -. So if you change + and - at one end of the cable, your signal will be reversed in polarity from the way it was originally.
I'm just curius. I don't mic the bottom of my snare, but I was wondering anyway. Do you have to reverse the phase if you have a mic in top and one on the bottom? Or is it just somethint you want to do?
It is often necessary to reverse it when the phase is so close to 180 degress that when you add them together it sounds worse as opposed to better. You can take care of some of the problem by moving the mic around to slightly different locations and distances to the snares.

If you are recording to a computer you can visually check the tracks for phase problems and correct it at that level. Most softwares allow to invert each tracks polarity.

i mic the snare bottom quite often. especially when i use a piccolo snare.

if you mic the top and bottom then you probably want to do a phase reversal on one of the mics. if you're just mic'ing the bottom then you don't need to. i'm still learning but i just know that i like the sound of a piccolo from the bottom