Boss ME-50 or PodXT


New member
I am looking at buying one of these units. Mainly using it in my apartment (headphones) and eventually for some studio recordings. Which one of these is a better unit?

I already did research on this, but I want your guys' opinions.
I do believe the Boss ME-50 is basically just a bunch of stompbox type effects in one unit as opposed to a amp modeler like the POD. I wouldn't expect to use the Boss unit without an amp. For direct recording or headphone playing, etc. I would think the POD would be the better choice. (even though I am anti POD :D )
me50's just suck in my opinion. its like comparing rotten apples and apple pie, go for the pie buy the pod.
I just bought the PODxt today. So far so good but I haven't heard the sounds in a mix yet.

Does anyone have any opinion about the tone upgrades?
Yes and I hate most of Boss' stomp boxes, I do think the GT series effects units by boss are a step up from the ME you'd think they'd be pretty much the same but they aren't. If you're still looking at sticking with boss then look at the gt-6 or gt-8.
if someone hates most of the boss stomp boxes then someone must hate most of the guitar tones ever recorded. Check out who uses the classic boss pedals, then buy a ME-50.

And by the way, the me-50 has a speaker simulator through the headphone jack and sounds freaking incredible with good phones.

After 20 years of pro playing I have learned to never buy pods or line6 stuff. vox valvetronix and boss me-50 are the only way to go if you are looking for tone quickly and memorizing numbers to input into your digital fx simulator isn't as important as finding the tone instantly with one quick turn of a knob (which can be saved digitally for later retreival).

My suggestion - use what works for you, try everything out and see what you like. There are so many pros and cons for each unit, and they do very different things in very different ways.

I would consider the Boss GT8 if I were you...

The ME50 is just a load of stomp effects... it doesn't have Preamps and speaker emulation like the Pod and GT8...

The GT8 is a really great unit so I would reccommend you check that out!
As indicated, the ME50 is an effects unit which simulates many well known Boss stomp boxes (in many cases the simulation is very good) - but there is no amp simulation. The ME50 was designed to be more of a live performance tool than a studio tool. I like my ME50 (I like using knobs rather than schrooling thru dozens of windows).

As indicated the GT8 - may be a better choice if you want effects and amp simulation all in one box (if you want Boss effects).

I have a POD 2.0 (vs. the XT) - which I think does a good job of amp simulation (although the effects are hit and miss).

I find the ME50 does not work as well ith a POD as it does in front of an actual guitar amp - perhaps because the ME50 is designed to work with guitar amps in a live performance setting.
I got a PODXT and my bandmate got the ME-50. As iterated above, go for the ME50 in a live setting, and the POD in a studio setting. The XT is not good for live use (very weak tones compared to my GT-6)
yep, I guess I'm old school where your tone comes from a great guitar, great amp, very few fx in the signal chain, and a lot of hard work to become a great player. If you try to get your tone strictly from a pod or similar, it can sound very good, but often (not always though) the best guitar tone comes from great micing of the amp of a guitarist who's put time into making a great tone come from a real amp. That being said, if you use a pod and a home stereo (or pa) to create your live guitar tone, as long as it sounds amazing, you can work well with that too.

I was one of the first live gig guitarists in vancouver in the 80s to go ampless with an fx-500 and a lot of carefully setup patches that used my own fake amp sim through equing. It sounded great, but finally I went back to using an amp since I honestly get more true tube warmth, control, and most importantly monitoring of my own real tone from my amp when live or in the studio. As stated, I now use an ME-50, but whatever works for you. In the 80s I used my chandler tube driver to give me real tube tone wiht my fx-500, these days I use a vox valvetronix amp. whatever works for you. best idea, experiment with the toys at the store. ME-50 doesn't have much of an amp sim in it, except through the headphone output (which does sound great but is intended for headphone listening and may not work great into a board direct, I haven't tried).

