Boss BR-864 questions.


New member
I just got a boss br-864 and have been pretty happy with it so far. I was just hoping someone on the forum could help me with a few questions. I got a 1gb card and it works, I never initialized the card but it has worked. Is initializing the card necessary? what does it do? I have a few songs on the card already and am afraid that if I do initialize it the songs would be erased..also trying to use an external preamp with a condenser and it's hard to figure out the gain stage the boss seems really touchy with that not sure if anyone has any tips on the preamp setting on the boss to make it work with an external preamp with out clipping or having to push the external preamp really hard? one more question then I am done. I really want to use it to record dry boss makes it hard but I have figured it out, I know I can add some effects after the fact with the effects loop..but can you assign any of the cosm effects to a track that was recorded dry? The only really serious issue I have had is that sometime the actual recording of the first track idicates that it is recording but when I play it back nothing is take about 3 tries before it actually starts recording then everything is fine with the other I am kinda wondering if the initializing would help this.
any help is appreciated.
Figured out the rest just wondering about the intializing question..what does intializing do?