Boss Br-1180cd?

TJ Weger

New member
Anyone own/used/heard the new BR-1180CD from BOSS? I literally need something NOW, and don't have much more than about a grand (actually, less than that, but I'd save another $100 or so, if it were worth a week or two's wait).

I guess the biggest thing I noticed that I liked about the specs is that big 20G hard drive, and you can record non-compressed. That, and the fact that, being a simple-minded sort, I like the idiot-proofing they put into the user interface! I'm VERY old-school (currently use a 10 year old Fostex 280 4-track cassette machine), know nothing of sequencing, and play all the instruments one at a time into the machine the old-fashioned way. Yep -- it's slower than hell to do it that way, but I still like it.

Anyway, I'm thinking that with no FW or RW times, and all of those virtual tracks for quick editing, plus onboard stereo mastering and mixing right to a CD, this digital machine will save me a ton of time. I need to record about 150 backing tracks (I'm using them for a solo gig coming up) in about a month, and I can only get down one a day with my Fostex. They're pretty light tracks -- just simple brushed snare and kick, bass, rhythm guitar and sometimes ukulele (I play a lot of old-style Hawaiian, too).

Thanks for anything y'all can tell me! :cool:
I think it's only 2 track simul. record...? If you're cool with that... and if you have a burner on your computer why not just get something cheaper like a br-8 and import through your soundcard?