
Try some articles from SOS on mixing metal (they did a master class on the subject in two parts with videos) Here's my search:
Search SOS Articles Database
Check Greg Lake's "General Guide To Rock Drums for NEWBIES" on this site under Drums & Percussion (it's a sticky at the top)
4 Secrets To Recording A Massive Guitar Sound | Guitar Columns @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com is a fairly nice glimpse into recording guitar LARGE.
Also this : has a lot of wonderful links to a lot of information.

The only actual BOOK I've ever heard of the Golden whatever by whoever for 7 euros seems to be puff and smoke...
can anyone recommend any enlightening books for mixing, especially heavier music?

Broken_H gave you some good links - I'll add this one: The SouthSIDE Of The Tracks - Glen Stephan - Independent Recording Network <-- I can elaborate if it's not obvious what that articles going on about, but it's an absolute necessity (especially for the guitars) for huge heavy mixes to cut all the non-musical sounds out of your recorded tracks. It's really easy and basically trivial to do, time-wise, too, once you get the hang of it.

Greg's drum sticky (linked above) is badass and dead-on, too, and if you want to go the trigger route - this is straight from Steven Slate himself:
Steven Slate said:
"Don't be a pussy with EQ". There is no right and wrong.. only "sounds good" and "sounds like ass". Whatever it takes to get to the first one, do it.

As for books - you're not gonna find them for heavy music, but you can find effectively the same thing by figuring out which mix engineer/producer you want to read about and finding their posts on Gearslutz - be warned, though, there's tooooooooons of elitist and/or audiophile voodoo bullshit being shoveled around over there. You can find how they all actually get the sounds they do a million times over on this site right here...

edit: Yea, his name's "Bang" on GearSlutz - no idea why, but that's Steven Slate. He's got a few thousand posts over there, and not all of them are pimping his sample products (but most are...). He really does actually share a lot of his "magic" freely - which is basically what a book is, right??.
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