bongo drums - skins

Wide Awake

New member
I have a pair of LP bongos and the skins/heads are drying out a little bit. I read that you can put a little bit of lotion w/lanolin on them, but I was hoping to get some advice before I do anything.

Also, are there different types of skins available ? I love the ones I have but I was just curious. I remember playing some "bright" sounding ones in the store that felt different. I have wood bongos and I've been playing for about a year now.
You can definitley use lotion, just don't overdo it-use sparingly. There are synthetic (plastic) heads available that will be a bit brighter and "ringier"...
I agree, lotion w/lanolin (I suggest unscented, for obvious reasons). The lanolin should be no less than the 4th or 5th listed ingredient. Maybe twice a year. I agree you don't need alot, but I find that the skin will absorb what it needs and "reject" the rest. You can then simply wipe off the remainder.

Some people believe that if you play the drums often enough the oil from your skin is adequate. I do know that when I played the congas/bongos in a band two nights a week they did not seem to dry out - so this may be a fact.

Also, if you use the leather skins, detune between use to avoid extra wear of the skins.

The plastic heads are indeed brighter and require less care (re: lotion, detuneing, etc.). I prefer "skins".
Thanks for the advice. I do detune them everytime I play them. I live in a humid environment so that makes it real important.