Blues Track - Love your feedback plse

Hey Rob....This is a pretty good blues tune.The only real complaint I have is that the Bass guitar is almost non-existent.Bring that bad boy up in the mix!;)

Nice guitar/harmonica work..things are spread out nice too...the drums sound pretty good for this type of music too.

Good job.Just bring that bass up!

[edit to add]major Glitch at 4:25.......or is that supposed to be there?
Kramer ... Many thanks for the comments/ Much appreciated. Actually, re: the bass guitar...the wierd thing is that it IS very loud on my CD player. In fact on the car stereo it needs turning down a touch. Yes, on the MP3, you are right, it is quieter. Not sure if there is something I could have done better with the MP3 conversion?

Not sure about the glitch..couldn;t hear it..maybe at a different time point?

I can hear the bass, and it does sound mixed a little low on my speakers too, but it is good playing. This is a great sounding mix, nice and clean. The band is tight. I like the guitarist, too many blues guitarists today use too much distortion, it is refresing to hear a nice clear tone.
Strat thur Fender amp??

Sounds great
The King
hi all, first of all this is a great song, love the blues. being the big srv fan that i am. i totally agree with the king on this one, killer clean tone and that is such a rare thing anymore, most guitarist like to hide behind distortion and that is why it is so uncomon to hear good clea stuff,very impressed.nothing beats the strat sound for blues in my opinion, maybe a good les paul sound is close but that fat strat sound is killer. on with the mix, i like it, the bass sounds good on my end but my monitors has a sub and it dont take much bass to set it off. so its hard to say, id take some of these good ears that have replyed a little more serious on the bass thing than myself.thanks for sharin this with us great stuff. tim pate
I just downloaded it again and this copy doesnt have the glitch.

Must have been something with my previous download because I could slide it over to 4:25 and get a weird noise glicth over and was obviously something to do with me.
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King Elvis -- Thanks so much for your comments. The EQ on the bass may be very low and I wonder if that is why it seems a little quiet...or maybe I should have added some compression to the bass.

Re: the guitar tone...the lead is a Strat (my pride&joy 1960 strat) but going through a POD on the class A setting. The rhythmn guitar is a yamaha pacifica through POD.

thanks again
flash2ace --

Thanks v much for your comments. That guitar tone , mostly clean, is something I am keen on ...clean tone with a touch of gain/drive. Class A amp.

This discussion forum is such a great good to get views and feedback in this way!
