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and it sure looks like JZ was the designer of most if not all of the Blue line...but he did sign some kind of non-compete which is probably what has Blue's panties in a wad.
Mo-Kay said:
But bottomline, I don't think we really disagree al that much... it's just that there might be some people on either side we dislike, I guess.

I know of one, for instance, that I have grown to dislike.
You're making the Netherlands out to be a near-paradise and the US to be a hell-hole.

No, I've mentioned some of the great things about America too. But now at least you know aht I mean, since some Americans put that shit the other way around.

Anyway glad we at least see eye-to eye...

This has indeed gone too far for the mic forum :D

carry on people :p
cominginsecond said:
Sure there's racism in the US, but there's no mainstream "Nationalist" parties in the US, like there are in Europe.

I think the Pubbies are pretty durn 'Nationalistic."

Have you visited the Netherlands? Just curious...
Rstiltskin said:
ps...thanks for employing Americans.


This is what popped your cork????? A simple "thank you" to an employer? Wow, you are wound too tight!

I don't know any Americans that fit your descriptions. Where do you get your information? The media and movies? They're all far from reality. Even "reality" TV. I have done nothing wrong. (except exercise my legal right to vote for George Bush) It's disconcerting to hear that you seem to hate me, and all that I stand for, even though you don't know me. I hope all Europeans don't think your way.
There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.
... Nigel Powers
I have done nothing wrong. (except exercise my legal right to vote for George Bush)

good thing you realise that yourself.

And I'm not tight-wound... I just don't like narrowminded, overly nationalistic people.

And if you have a (rebel)flag bumper sticker and voted Bush...well...that's your choice, I just ain't with ya.

There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch.
... Nigel Powers

haha gotta love that movie. Yet another good example for me though... the "Dutch" guy kept saying "Scheisse" , wich is German, not Dutch.

And please mind what I said people...I don't hate Americans.
Mo-Kay said:
And if you have a (rebel)flag bumper sticker and voted Bush...well...that's your choice, I just ain't with ya.


Who said anything about a rebel flag? You're just full of assumptions aren't you?
Hey mo you say you don't like those kind of "narrowminded people". Thats pretty hypocritcal(which i also believe you stated about americans) considering you throw out at least half a dozen narrowminded stereotypical views concerning Americans(not everyone speaks the same language as you stated, go to the southwest and probably 50% of the people speak mostly spanish, and not even all forms of english spoken here is the same). A lot if not most Americans don't have a negative view of the Netherlands at all, and I for one am very envyous of some of the laws that don't apply to you that do to me. I'm planning on coming to you're country and have even contemplated living there. And another thing, me nor anyone I know have ever mistaken the Dutch for Germans or confused the two countries. Yes there are uneducated people here, yes there are people that are educated but just don't care about anything outside of their own little world, I date one of those people, but I'm almost 100% sure there are people just like that in your country. I truly hope your attitude isn't shared by the rest of the people in your country because I wouldn't think it would be pleasant for americans to visit.
Well you ARE from Indiana :D

Mo-kay dude get a life. I know what you are trying to say, but this ain't the place to do it. Apologise to the nice guys that reside around here and let it go, because you're espousing the type of behaviour you're condemning.

It just doesn't make any sense.

Greetings from Canada,

not everyone speaks the same language as you stated

Like I didn't know that :rolleyes:

I was just saying it's pretty convenient to have so many people that (generally) speak the same language.

Just one last time to make it clear: I'm not saying all Americans are alike ok, so if it doesn't apply to you, that's cool.

I'm pleased to see people at least see the point I'm trying to get across.

It's all good, let's not make more outta this than it is, and just enjoy the positive things in life ;)


signing off


oh and my apologies to the nice guys in the US (that's not OVER HERE for you, kirk! :p ...well ok, greetings to Canada too then ;) )
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