blank wave chunks


..|.. Part-time Antichrist ..|..
Ok... so I I start a new session... choose my inputs... click on the VU meter and I have a level... hit record... record my stuff... hit "stop"... Rewind... Then play...
I get an error message that the wave chunk contains no information...
If I go to a session that already has wave files in it... I can record to it... but I cant record to a new session...

And after I try to do this, The recording inputs change from "WAVE IN 1 and 2" to a collection of strange symbols and numbers.
Sounds like a driver/n-Track goof.

When you start a new session, open up the recording VU meter and make sure that the inputs are setup and enabled/disabled correctly.

Slackmaster 2000
You may also want to make sure you're not set up to record a MIDI track. Look at the little icon at the top of the screen, right about in the middle. Make sure it's a microphone, and not a keyboard. This happened to me, and that's what it was. I could see the levels, but I had the thing set to record MIDI. Hope this helps.'
well... it looks like this isnt an Ntrack problem... Vegas, Cool Edit Pro and Wavelab all refuse to record from my CD player.
They USED to record from it... but now they wont. I dont know.