BINAURAL 4th of July Fireworks!


New member
Hey people!

I've got more binaural action for you!

For those of you not familiar with the process, I'll explain briefly. This recording was made with tiny omnidirectional capsules places directly in my ears. This way, everything is recorded as the ear hears it. When played back in headphones, the result is astonishingly realistic!

Of course, you MUST USE HEADPHONES to listen to this properly. The effect is stunning! It is better than any surround sound. Sounds come from all directions, including above and behind you!

OK, here's what I captured tonight...:D

Navy Pier Fireworks, Chicago, Sat July 6th
NOTE: 19MB file

What you'll hear from your perspective:
You are standing near the edge of the water at Navy Pier. There are seagulls flying around in the harbor to your right. To your left is the length of the pier with it's shops, restaurants and other tourist traps. There are loudspeakers blaring music to go along with the fireworks. (which I find quite distasteful and annoying actually)
The fireworks are out on a barge straight ahead.
To your right, you can hear sound reflections off the skyscrapers in downtown Chicago.

DISCLAIMER / WARNING This recording is rich in high level transients! While I believe it is safe for most quality headphones, it is nonetheless much more demanding material than most music.

And as an added bonus... (and even more dangerous to equipment) I have a string of firecrackers recorded from about 8 feet away!


Light fuse and get away!!:eek:
whoa...I can hear the reflections the buildings.

and alice cooper:eek:

simply great!!

like the verb on the firecrackers too. foley nut you!!