Big Metal Vocals

Brad said:
Drink a lot, smoke a lot. Pretty soon, your vocals will start to sound hard.
One of the lowest and heaviest death metal vocals in my country are done by a guy who doesn't smoke or drink. :)

vulcanofga said:
BBB, if your refering to my post.If you will read it again,I said that comp on a "raspy" vox will bring it more up front and demanding.But... that comp on a shitty vocal will just bring a shitty vocal in your face. Sorry if you thought I was ragging on you.In no way do I disagree with you.I was just making a statement.And I still stand behind that statement.

No prob. I mainly wanted to highlight my comments on compression in light of the three posts immediately following mine.

Bleeding Gums:

Yeah, $ helps a lot for getting good equipment and better sound. Fortunately, it's not needed for acquiring improved songwriting/performance/recording/mixing/mastering techniques.
enemyofthesun I recognize you from some other metal forum. interesting to see you here. anyways I agree with everyone that said "that sound" is mostly from the vocalist themselves.. sometimes, I notice (and utilize this myself) layering for a fuller sound on cd, but as for the style of vox it's all me baby.. people also ask me all the time, what FX did I use. none. maybe some light reverb, that's IT.

It's a shame that people actually use bands like Korn and Mudvayne as representatives of metal, crazy americans, only familiar with what MTV feeds you.

Here's my band, it's just me and a drummer. (I do vox, guitar, etc) I produced it, hey it's just a demo version but let me know what you think.