BIAS vs Pod Farm vs Peavy ReValver4 vs TSE x50


New member
Hi guys,

I already have Pod Farm 2.5 Platinum, and I have some money left (around CAD$200).

So torn among BIAS Professional, Peavy ReValver4 and TSE x50 :facepalm:

I don't djent; my main focuses are metalcore and death metal.

I could also buy Joey Sturgis's Producer Bundle.

Since TSE x50 is only like CAD$68+, I could get it AND the Producer Bundle (CAD$120).

I'm going to establish my bedroom "studio" as a small studio targeting small bands who are just starting up and on tight budget, and solo musicians, because I have basically everything but real drums (I have superior drummer with Metal Foundry expansion, an 88-key digital piano and a hell lot of plugins and everything). So I would also like to ask which one(s) of them tend to be able to satisfy my clients' needs (they will be in the rock/metal genre).

PS My axe is a Schecter Blackjack-ATX VBR (Duncan blackout active pickups), mostly in dropped C.

Thanks in advance!

Before making your decision check Amplitube. They're having a 2 for 1 $99 special and one of the packs is Metal.

I have done a/b against Pod Farm, ReValver, Waves GT and Shred. None of these come close to Amplitube. I got the Fender and Hendrix collections, for $99 it's really a no brainer.

IK Multimedia AmpliTube Legends of Guitar Gear Group Buy

I wish I had bought sooner but the $169 for just the Fender seemed high and with Pod Farm I thought I was covered....... So glad I took the plunge and use it exclusively now. And if enough people purchase by the 17th everyone gets another free package!
