Beyer Opus 88 - anyone like theirs?


New member
Anyone else used this mic? What application are you using it for?

I've tried it on snare a dozen times now and I can't get a good sound from it at all.

It picks up low frequency pretty well, but absolutely no crack - contrary to reviews I read before purchasing. All it does, even on a perfectly placed rim shot, is reproduce the sound you would hear if you hit the side of the snare head with your stick.

Anyone else had this experience? How did you fix it? If you didn't fix it, then how did you salvage a $200 mic purchase to get some quality use out of the thing?

You could give it to me *MoreSound microphone salvage company LTD*

Or you could send it to a replacement home *MoreSounds Home For Wayward Microphones*

But if it's really really bad I'll just take it out behind the barn and shot it. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: