beta mix, any thoughts?


New member
I'm doing a project with a very talented musician and we recorded 2 covers for the end of his upcoming album..this particular one was recorded 'live', guitar and vocals at the same time, no overdubs..I didn't start mixing yet, because I want to wait for the rest of the album so I can get a similar sound for all the tracks..but just for fun, I threw together the 2 tracks..any comments would be appreciated..he wants a 'live' sound, so I didn't really do anything special except EQ the guitar, some compression on both, and a little stereo reverb to the mix to liven it up, but not enough to really be noticeable that there is reverb..I mic'd the guitar near the 12th fret, facing the soundhole, and angled about 30 degrees downward, so the back of the mic was facing about a 3'o clock angle, to help with isolation..the vocal mic was about an inch from his mouth with a pop filter. Both mics are Neumann TLM103's into standard Mackie Pre's..maybe if I get some money I can invest into a pre one of these days like a Davisound. Guitar is a Taylor with D'Addario strings..not sure on the model, but there is a pickguard which I suggested he have removed. Clicks/noises are part of the 'live' sound he is going for and from his picking.

Anyhow, enjoy, and comments are appreciated.

Thanks :))
