Best way to split a guitar signal


New member

I am looking for a solution that would split the output of my guitar (or rather the output of my pre-amp) into 3-4 isolated signals for recording ....

The idea is to use a DI in the chain before the splitter and use the produced balanced signal for splitting.

Is there a device that works as a DI and a splitter at the same time? Also, I found only rack sized splitters that looked good, any recommendations for non-rack splitters maybe with a built in DI?

Thank you
I'm not sure I'm on the right page here, but when I send my guitar signal to different tracks, I use my mixer.

Usually a main out, control room output, and an Aux send.

I hope that's helpful.
i could use the mixer as well, but my issues are_

1. limited number of outputs on my mixer (main out, control room) headphone and line out not usable, aux send does not have a separate volume control, so this limits to two output channels
2. Mixers add noise to the signal
3. i want the separate signals to run through different effects before recording, so for me the mixer would sound a bit strange.

Thank you for the tip, but this sounds a bit like a workaround, right? Whilst I am not against workaround, I thought I could actually invest some money into a proper solution.
And this is in the "STUDIO BUILD" forum why exactly??? :eek:

thank you for the valuable comment :D I hope this is not the end of the world if I misplaced the question...

also, I suppose signal splitting is a very valid question in a studio...
thank you for the valuable comment :D I hope this is not the end of the world if I misplaced the question...

also, I suppose signal splitting is a very valid question in a studio...
It doesn't belong in this forum. Every question on this site is a valid studio question,:eek: but there's a reason this place is split up into sub-groups. This has nothing to do with Studio Building.

Anyway, whatever, it's certainly not the end of the world, but it's in the wrong place...I'll let the mods handle it.
The original subcategory description says:

"Discuss building studios, or show off pictures of your studio, guitars, or other equipment."

For me, this is part of the studio. can you please clarify for future reference what belongs to studio building then? just for me to be on the safe side next time?
For me, this is part of the studio. can you please clarify for future reference what belongs to studio building then? just for me to be on the safe side next time?

"BUILDING" treatment, sound-proofing, bass trapping, placement of instruments, control booths, flooring, building or not building walls, room dimensions, etc....

No biggie. Like I said, if the mods don't mind it here, I'm cool with it, too.:cool:
What RAMI is really saying is ...if you put it on the right forum or one that fits the question (Guitar, Recording forums) will get more/better responses. :)

A DI box followed by a mic spltter box would do what you want. You may want to use an active DI so you have enough signal to drive the splitter....though you could always punch up the gain on all your preamps where you will plug your splitter outputs that where you plan to go with the signlas?
I see you mention FX boxes after the splitter...well, most FX boxes will be line level...while most DI boxes put out mic level, including mic splitters.
What is your ultimate goal with the splits? There may be other options....

I think they have plenty of dual spltters in stomp box sizes...but 4 splits will often end up being a racked piece.
The original subcategory description says:

"Discuss building studios, or show off pictures of your studio, guitars, or other equipment."
This is an issue that should probably be addressed.

"BUILDING" treatment, sound-proofing, bass trapping, placement of instruments, control booths, flooring, building or not building walls, room dimensions, etc....
Something along these lines would be better.

Yo' mods.
