Best way to record my setup-->


New member
My drummer has a Gretsch kit: snare, tom, floor tom, kick, ride, hi-hat, crash, other cymbal.

I have 4 mics: 2 Shure PG 57's, Shure SM 58, Shure KSM 27 Condensor mic.

4 inputs on my mixer. Only can record 2 channels at a time. So should I pan one track hard left and one hard right?

I was thinking of recording flat, as in no EQ adjusments till post-recording, that smart?

What is the best way to set up my mics? Any advice at all?

Thanks a lot & peace!
If you can only record 2 tracks at a time, I say go with the condenser as an overhead, and the SM 58 maybe a foot or so in front of the kick to capture that and a bit of the low end from the toms.

It'll be mono drums, but I think the overall sound quality would be better.

Of course, you can always try the Recorderman method, using the PG57s but my experience with those mics is that your overall sound will be quite boxy.

Experiment, try different things out, your ears will tell you what sound best for the setup :-)
Two things you can do. One is to pan the kick hard one way and mix a tight snare mic and the condensor overhead together and pan the other way going into the recorder. Then on play back pan everything center. This allows you some control over the kick to snare ratio after the fact.
The other is some variation of the Recorderman method. You'd end up with stereo drum sound but no control after the fact. You'd just have to do some trial and error set up to get the mix right for the context of whatever song the drums will sit.
Thanks so much, I am still open to more info...I'll try anything.

See, we have tried a million times to get a drum sound, so we aren't new to it. The only exapmles I have are on my bands site. That is all we got when we first recorded right when we formed. Now we want a nice lil' neat rocking demo that we can pass out, that sounds better and really cool.