best song writing thoughts occur at night...


New member
just when im about to get to sleep at night... a string of killer lyrics stroll through my mind. it always seems that i do the best songwriting when i am tired and relaxed... why is this so?

Perhaps until that time of night, there are too many thought about work, family and the other things that demand so much of our time and attention.

Perhaps only after the other thoughts and issues have played out does the mind have the creative freedom to focus on art, rather than on life!
I end up writing at night too, Ill try in the day and i get nothing.
sumtimes im up at the crack of dawn finishing sumthing.
(insert long drawn out scientific explanation about the practical side of the brain relaxing, allowing the creative side to operate more freely)

Actually I'm not at all sure if that's true. But it sounds good out loud.
Creative Slumber

I've often had this same experience. There was a time when I thought that writing late at night or all night would help - thinking that my creative peak occurred during those hours. Turned out that it didn't work because I actually was tired and I was actually trying to write. Now I don't believe that song writing ideas are connected to being relaxed and almost asleep. Ideas just come to you when you're not trying so damn hard. Some of the best music ever made wasn't forced.
I totally write at night. Its soft and quiet. Just something about it. Its hard for me to right during the day. Everynow and then that will work out.
mikeh said:
Perhaps until that time of night, there are too many thought about work, family and the other things that demand so much of our time and attention.

Perhaps only after the other thoughts and issues have played out does the mind have the creative freedom to focus on art, rather than on life!

I think this is very true. At least for me. I had a funny experience once. I had knee surgery and was prescribed vicodin as a pain killer. I would take one of these at nite before going to bed. I found I really enjoyed these and they seemed to open up my creativity. In fact, I got to enjoy them so much I decided I had better flush 'em. However, what I did learn from that is that it wasn't the drug. It's the relaxation and clearing of my mind.

Now, when I have a solo writing session I usually schedule it for 3 hours. Often times the first hour is really spent just settling down and attaining that state of relaxation and open mindedness to tap into the more creative side of things. For me, this often means some Bible reading and meditation on the text. Considering I am writing more Christian songs than not, that often sends me into some fruitful songwriting directions as well.

I often have "brilliant" :D ideas at night. Since I need my sleep, I have a recorder relatively handy so I can record the ideas. Sometimes they don't seem quite a "brilliant" the next morning LOL...
Metalbard said:
"Its better in the Dark"- Ronnie James Dio

Sometimes I write songs at work. Sometimes I get a great idea in my head while I'm driving, but I can't write it down. I guess I should keep a notepad in my car.

Sometimes an idea hits me at a random time.

My ideas come to me at all hours of day & night...