Best Recording Software For A Noob

thanks altitude!

No, it will be unusable. If you want run something on that relic, find something that was made at the same time

like............what? :rolleyes:

something on ebay maybe. like the old cool edit? would that work?
that's if I can find one somewhere...........
vst32 and logic 5.5 would be worth checking out. Both were solid programs back then and should run very well on that machine. Max out the memory though, 128 megs is, well.. Pitiful.
and again, much thanks altitude!

vst32 and logic 5.5 would be worth checking out. Both were solid programs back then and should run very well on that machine.

thanks. I will look for used copies of those. perhaps on ebay, or
maybe amazon.

Max out the memory though, 128 megs is,
well.. Pitiful.

indeed. my whole operation is in tatters. alas, when lack of ready cash
becomes an issue, which it is, there's always plastic.

I have shopped for a new PC that comes with XP so I do not have
to deal with Vista, or Windows 7 now I guess.

I haven't found a retail PC with Windows XP that isn't either a little
net top like I have now, or else some refurbished thing that came from
who knows where.

anyway, thanks. if I can't come up with a new PC, I'll look for logic 5.5
thanks again!