best recording process


New member
Me and my band have set up a home studio, 2 big loudspeakers, a mix console, and a computer to record, and using the Audition (the new cool edit pro) to recording. We have composed around 14 song and I would like to know how is the best process to recording, I mean the steps we have to follow: first drums, than bass, at the end the vocals, etc, there is any standar?


there is no standard if you have a metronome with the song consisting of the same tempo all throughout. the way i do it is have the drummer lay the track down first, then guitars, and then the bass. I always leave the vocals 'til the end.
then ill listen to the mix and decided if it needs any overdubs.
i either do what ace516 does, or i record drums and guitar together at first (if you have enough inputs).
I put the guitar amp in a different room than the drums. the drummer wears headphones with just guitar in them.
this way the drummer has the guitarist to follow (if he's not great at multitracking, or just needs some cues for changes)

thanks for your replies, another question: what do you think is better, to spend more money buing a good soundcard with just 1 input or buy other not so good but with 4 inputs?
Can you recommend me one pls.
i say get at least 4 inputs, especially if you are going to record a band.. i'd even recommend 8 inputs if you can afford it. when i record a band all at the same time, 8 is barely enough. i'd also make sure to get some mic pres, if you're going to run a mic directly in. since you run it through your mix consule, you might not need the pres or even a breakout box, something like the delta 1010lt might work for you. I would recommend a breakout box, however, if you think you'll be pluggin/unplugging the inputs to the card a lot, the rest is really personal choice.. firewire (do you have a fw input), usb, pci... etc.
imo.. 24bit98khz is plenty to record to cd, unless you're a hardcore audiophile
