Best Recording Mags?

.Tyson Studios.

I looking to get a couple subscriptions to some recording magazines and wanted to know if you guys had any sugestions. Thanks in advance :D
TapeOP. Its free too.

No doubt about it!! great interviews and gear info. You'll be right in the know.

Other free ones that deal with audio are ....... Pro Audio review, Front of house, Live sound, sound on sound, MIX magazine, And this is just a few of the good ones!

You can read on line as well ....... but I like a good paper/mag in hand while performing my morning .... constitution! :D
Ditto - Tape Op. :cool:

I get several...EQ, EM, Mix, Pro Audio, Pro Sound News....but Tape Op is consistently the best *read* issue to issue.

The others are all starting to really suck...and that includes Mix, which use to be the "pro" recording rag, but now it's no better than it's sibling EM magazine. I usually just flip through them, rarely seeing anything worth reading...but Tape Op always gets serious reading time in the porcelain library. :D
Ditto - Tape Op. :cool:

I get several...EQ, EM, Mix, Pro Audio, Pro Sound News....but Tape Op is consistently the best *read* issue to issue.

The others are all starting to really suck...and that includes Mix, which use to be the "pro" recording rag, but now it's no better than it's sibling EM magazine. I usually just flip through them, rarely seeing anything worth reading...but Tape Op always gets serious reading time in the porcelain library. :D

Yeah, you know your right Miro.
A few that I got just resonantly I thought were flyers they were so small. I almost through them out with the junk mail. Probably because they are contemplating going all internet read only. And true they all need new writers.
I read em all....Sound on Sound is good for gear and walkthroughs plus its printed over here so it keeps the price down even though its a Brit mag..

Computer Music, Musictech, and FutureMusic are my other faves..theyre pricey in the US but UK mags are always of a higher quality than US mags...dunno why, was the same with motorbike mags too :confused:
I never pay for anything with the word "Pro" in it unless its followed by "stitute", dead, and dumpster :D
I get TapeOP and Recording. I haven't read Recording in quite a while. It comes in the mail and I let it sit on my desk for a month before tossing it.

TapeOp gets a gander every-so-often.
Bob Johnston in Tape Op was about the most fun I've had in a while.

That was a great article!!!!
I did the sound at a three day wedding up in VT that he attended and I had one whole afternoon with him just talking away ... MAN let me tell you the man is a wealth of knowledge!!!!!!!
♫♪Tyson♫♪;3590175 said:
I looking to get a couple subscriptions to some recording magazines and wanted to know if you guys had any sugestions. Thanks in advance :D

For the Home Studio, the best is definitely Sound On Sound - you can get a paper edition (posted worldwide) and/or an electronic. sub. that lets you read it on-line. Old editions are unlocked for general reading after about six months I think.

I also get Resolution - this is the modern "Studio Sound" magazine - Audio Media and Pro Sound News. There is also a Pro Sound News Europe.

I hope this helps.
UK mags are always of a higher quality than US mags...dunno why, was the same with motorbike mags too :confused:

Probably because their first priority is to produce a good magazine for the reader, rather than the advertiser.

Serve the reader first and the mag. will get the advertisers, serve the advertisers first and the readers will go away.

I certainly know that the UK mags I know employ people who are as passionate about the subject as the readers are, and this also helps make a good magazine.
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I don't think Sound on Sound does any free subs here in the USA.

the other European mag I always liked was Audio Media...but a few years back they went digital for the USA subs...and while I do get it every month in my email...I NEVER read it anymore. I wrote them back then and told them that people don't read digital magazines the same way they do hradcopy....but they said it was a cost cutting measure, not having to ship to the USA for free subs.

I refuse to pay for ANY audio/recording magazine, since they are all so chock full of ads....and I don't, all mine are free complimentary subs. :)
TapeOp is shit. I don't see why so many people swear by that ad filled, useless rag. The interviews are next to useless. They're more "look what I've done" than anything else. It's free, so I guess that's good, but that's about it.

If you want recording info, the internet is your best choice. If you just want to read something while taking a dump, anything will do.
Like I said, Tape Op is a good *read*.
I like reading the articles, they often have great interviews with big name producers/engineers, like the last issue has a great one with Reinhold Mack, who recorded Queen, ELO, Billy Squire, and others, and I enjoy reading about who did what/when, as often you gain some new insight into well known artists.

But Tape Op is no more an *educational* tool than any of the other rags....though I think the "letters" section in Tape Op is the best one. There are often several good Q&A pages with a lot of responses from well known engineers. The other rags just print up 4-5 reader's letters and leave it at that, and most of their articles are aimed at selling gear.
If you want recording info, the internet is your best choice. If you just want to read something while taking a dump, anything will do.
Not if you're serious about dump comfort.
Sad as this may seem, I actually have specific books or magazines that only ever see the inside of the loo. I call them my 'shit reading'. :D