best program for my recording needs


New member
I am looking at upgrading my recording software and want your opinions on what I should get.

I primarily record metal, so I typically use trigger on the drums (other than the over heads of course). The way I want to start recording drums are track the drums with my triggers going into the mixer, then have go through some sort of cutting program to cut all the trigger hits to equal sizes and use drumogog and put the sounds on it. Quanitize it, make sure it's all in the right space, then have the drummer play the cymbals seperately over the trigger sounds.

I recorded this way and it was incredible. It sounded very solid and very clean. Right now i'm using Cubase LE and feel like when I tried recording this way, it didn't work that well... The engineer that recorded us had sonar and he said it works great (i'm not sure what splicing program/vst he used...)

I'm running my mics/ pres out of an Alesis Multimix 16 USB 2.0. I was thinking about getting pro tools but I never personally liked using it on other people's computers. Granted I never used it before and didn't know a lot about it, but when I used ableton, I seemed more comfortable
I think sonar is too cluttered. I would suggest logic, but it sounds like your on a pc?

ableton is cool, but better for live stuff. I'd check out cubase 4/5 and sonar as well. (i just don't like sonar.)
I think sonar is too cluttered. I would suggest logic, but it sounds like your on a pc?

ableton is cool, but better for live stuff. I'd check out cubase 4/5 and sonar as well. (i just don't like sonar.)

i ahve cubase le4 as well, it came with my mixer, but i had boughten cubase le a year before. So I stuckw ith that. I originated recording on acid and that blew, then went to sonar and thought it was cluttered as well. It works but I don't know how much I personally liek it.

I am running off a PC. It has a lot of ram/ memory so it runs pretty efficeintly. I loved ableton but I have no clue hwo to really use the actuall extras. The extras is what i'm chosing my software on now. I want somehting that will help me splice these audio files correctly, and get me to have an easier time recording. I also need somehting to have a metronome that can change time's at any spot I choose. There are many bands that will play to a met but it changes tempos in between the song (metal bands... i know haha)
Not really sure Tools is the way to go for you...For a start, you'd have to buy an new interface as (stupid) PT only runs with Digidesign interfaces.

i had a 003, but less than a year latter i sold it and lost $400.

Now i have to say that the converters in the 003 were pretty nice, but the interface only works well in pro-tools, and i cant start to say how much i hated P.T.

A big complete waste of time and money.
(for me)
so wait, why are you changing from cubase?
i'm not sur eif it's just me not knowing how, or my restricted verison, but I can't set seperate met's at different times, it only allows you to do one set met from the begining.

also it has a bus ste up for effects but on the actual tracks yu can only use 2 effects.

Granted i still have only had about a year of experience with the program, and I don't know everything about it, but I figured I'd ask around and see if there was a better program to learn before I went and found an upgrade for cubase.
PS- I'm not sure if anyone else would know, but everytime I want to upgrade my cubase to studio 5 or cubase 5, it won't allow me. There is no link on the "upgrades" section to be able to buy it :[
i'm not sur eif it's just me not knowing how, or my restricted verison, but I can't set seperate met's at different times, it only allows you to do one set met from the begining.

You can do this with cubase LE. You can in increase it, decrease it, slow it down and speed it up at as many places as you want during the song. There is a tempo map.. not sure how you pull it up as i'm not on my music computer. Basically, you can draw a line of the tempo to create the 'tempo map' for the whole song.
Reaper !!!!

before the sun goes down, go download the full version of reaper (30 day trial on your honor)

you will question why you haven't done this a year ago. the reaper forum is awsome, and so is the reaper column on this forum as well.

there are no limits with reaper

i'm using V2.57 there is and update on the V2.58, but its mostly Mac stuff.

Any program that records at 24-bit, 192 KHz.

The 3 big ones are Pro Tools, Logic and Nuendo.

Everything else are toys or compositional tools.