Best mics for recording drums. HELP!


New member
I am getting ready to record drums on my TASCAM 388. They will be recorded first, so I can use up to 7 tracks and then bounce down. I am not planning on buying any more mics. So, I will list the mics I have, and could you all please suggest the best setup using what I've got. Here are my mics:
1) Beyer m-81
2) EV re15
3) AKG D119 (same as the D19, just with an on/off switch)
4) Nady R2 ribbon mic
5) Shure Unidyne III (looks like an sm-57)
6) several Radio Shack super omni directional mics (made by Shure)
7) EV PL80
8) EV 635A
9) Beyer TG X-58
Please help me by telling me what combinations might work best, or what mics work best for which drums, etc. Thanks so much in advance for any help you might be able to give!
well, if the re15 is similar to an re20, (which i believe it is) throw that in the kick.

use the cheapest dynamics you have on toms,

im not familiar with some of the mics, so i'll go with what i know.

sm57 cheapo on snare.

use whatever condesnors you have on OH, preferably 2, but one will work also.
Well, you seem to have a variety of fairly decent array of mics that should get you by, . . In my opinion the only thing that you are really missing is a good low frequency Kick mic. But, like 'Tragik' mentioned the re15 should work fine, at least until you can find a nice kick drum mic- just play with the eq a little and it should sound fine.

You didn't mention, how many tracks you plan to use for the drums. But, since you are using a 388, and only have 8 tracks total to play with, I might approach mic'ing the drums with 3 mics.

Nady R2 (overhead) Great mic for overheads, and some vocals (definitely under rated)
AKG D119 (snare) Geoff Emerick & UK engineer Jon Kelly favorite mic for snare
RE15 (kick) A decent substitute for an RE20

However, If you were planning also mic'ing the toms, I would probably use the Unidyne III (SM57) for the hi-tom, and the Beyer M-81 for the lo-tom. But, if you stilc with the basic thre mics, you should be fine. Especially since that Nady ribbon is very sensative, and will pick up the entire kit!

Anyway, that just one way, . .I'm sure other guys will have other opinions, about what mics they might use to from your list to track drums. Tell us how you make out!!!
Good luck man, . .
three is the magic number

I'd use the Nady ribbon as a mono over head. Those mics are all kinda iffy for a kick, if I had to choose, I'd probably actually go with the PL80, I've got one, not sure on the specs, but it handles lows pretty well, if not the RE15 wouldn't be bad. Then, after setting this up and depending on the sound, I would stick that beyer m81 (one of the most underrated mics ever...) to the front right of the kit which gives a nice balance to the overhead (giving it just that little extra for the ride and the floor tom. Also, considertaking the bottom heads off the toms and the kick. I've always found it to help with recording and plus it's WAY easier to tune them. Hope this helps.
m81 + unidyne

go for the m81 on the snare top (nice mids and not too aggressive highs and its pretty small so it wont get in the way) and the unidyne on the bottom of the snare ,both little known and underestimated mics that i really like.