"best" mic to buy for recording metal type loud music? :)


New member
i've been thinking about getting an sennheiser 609 and an sm57 cause i've read they're both good for recording drums or guitar. i just recently got into recording by just deciding one day i would try so i went out and bought a peavey DMS5 drum mic kit and my friend gave me a shure axs3 just to mess around. at first they were alright but i didn't realize how addicted i would get so i'm looking to upgrade a little bit now and wondering if a sennheiser 609silv and an sm57 would be good mics to buy for recording metal or just loud music in general. also i was wondering if anybody could offer some suggestions for what i might be better off getting if they have any. thanks
You can't go wrong with a SM57, I've personally never tried a sennheiser 609 yet.

I recently got an Audix i5, and it's a killer mic. Similar the the 57, except it seems to have a fuller low end response and not quite as much of a increase in the higher mids. It's a little darker.

I't be a toss up of whether I like the 57 or the i5 better for snare, both are good and i've never A/B'd them with similar mic positions yet. But for guitar amps, the tracks I've done with the i5 are killer so far compared to the 57.

So that may be another mic to consider, although the 57 is pretty much the standard "first mic" to get.
I have both the e609 silver and sm57 and don't use much else to record guitars. Either mic will probably do. It definitely can't hurt to own a 57. You can use it on just about every instrument with average results. It's definitely going to be a "go to mic" for guitars and snare drum every time.