Best Mic for Heavy Guitar


New member
Hey..Just wondering what mic you can suggest for heavy hardcore/metal music. I have used the SM57..and im just not happy with it...especially when i record bassy breakdowns...My budget would be under 400$..thanks
What kind of amplifier are you using? And how are you getting your heavy guitar sound? Are you using a pedal, or are you cranking the gain on your amp?
chessrock said:
What kind of amplifier are you using? And how are you getting your heavy guitar sound? Are you using a pedal, or are you cranking the gain on your amp?

Im using a Marshall JCM900 and Marshall Cab....I dont use any pedals..Im rather oldschool..I just crank it..
That's all good.

A Marshall cranked with an SM57 in front of it has been the method of choice for many a professional engineer . . . and is probably what you're hearing on a lot of our favorite records.

Before I sank any more money in to another mic, I'd make sure to exhaust every other method; switch pickups, lower the gain somewhat (always use less than you think you need), elevate the amp to ear-level (or crouch down so your ear is at amp level) . . . and while listening that way, try messing with the EQ and gain knobs until it sounds right to you.

If you're absolutely certain it's a mic thing, then in the under $400 category, I'd be looking at the following:

* Electrovoice RE-20, used.
* Shure SM-7 (quite a step up from a 57, from my experience)
* Beyer M88

Maybe try a ribbon like a Beyer M160.

I'm not sure that I'd recommend a condenser for heavy guitar, but a few you might consider:

* Audio Technica 4055 (used).
* Blue Baby Bottle
* Groove Tubes MD-1B
Agreed, only add an MD421 to the list. The M88 will produce a very tight sound with a lot of bottom.

The 421 sounds a bit more open, the 421 mk2 a little brighter.

The MD441 is another great heavy guitar amp mic.

I always grab the MD421 and the M88 first, a combination of the two mics works fine too.

But first make your amp sound good, btw, the JCM800 sounds bigger than the 900.
Han said:
btw, the JCM800 sounds bigger than the 900.

Yea, I was going to mention the 900 is a little trickier to work than the 800s, for the most part. Sometimes it can sound a little fizzy and thin if the gain is cranked too high. You almost have to turn the treble all the way down or it starts to sound a little grating at times. And with most of the Marshalls, you have to be willing to crank the master volume higher than your neighbors would like before it starts to sound right.

It just takes a little more fiddling, but you can get great sounds out of most any of the Marshall JCM tube amps with any decent dynamic mic and enough patience.
Used MD-441, under $300... its an $800 mic, and it will work on every other source you throw at it too, and work very very well.
Look into an Audix D3 also.

It is specifically designed for very close micing at high SPL levels without overloading the preamp. The bottom end rolls off, so this will compensate for the close proximity effect. The D3 has an accurate, flat response, and goes up much higher than the SM57, and without the response peak.
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What pres are you using? I don't have much knowledge to add to this thread but from what I read you need a good preamp to make the best of that 57 ...
as i say, i'm not expert on these mics or that preamp, but i just wonder if you might be buying mics 'above' your pre. you're only as good as your weakest link ... my mics aren't crap but i'm held back by my Behringer mixer pres ...
bgavin said:
Look into an Audix D3 also.

It is specifically designed for very close micing at high SPL levels without overloading the preamp. The bottom end rolls off, so this will compensate for the close proximity effect. The D3 has an accurate, flat response, and goes up much higher than the SM57, and without the response peak.

I second the d3. could not live without it on guitar cabs. way better than a 57 and beta 57.
Thanks for the responses again....And just curious..should i save up for a better preamp..or will the Omni do me well? is it a waste buying these mics?
I get much better results with my Tech21 10 watt amp than using my halfstack...Glen Johns must agree because the early Led Zep was done on a 10 watt anp as well.

I use an SM57 off axis with my SP C1 5' away.
Yeah I get really good results with my guitarist's all-valve 15W Carlsbro than my 100W Fender or the various Marshalls I've tried.